Loud noise is vulnerable to ears. Loud and long lasting sound can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear and cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). People of all ages including children, teens, young adults and older people can experience hearing loss due to louder noise. Pain, Discomfort and Ringing Sound in ears can be an early warning signs of hearing loss caused by loud noise. If you are suffering from any type of Ear problems then start the treatment at the earliest….Consult ENT Specialist Now. For more information visit: www.drmdhanashree.com Phone no: +91 9920027124 # bestENTspecialistindombivli # topENtspecialistindombivli # bestENTsurgeonindombivli # topENTsurgeonindombivli # DrDhanashreeMahadar # JeevanshreeHospital # signsofhearingloss # Effectsofloudnoise